1. About
Petroleum Engineering Department in Technological University Mandalay has been established and opened in 2002. Therefore, Petroleum Engineering Department of TUM is 16 years old in engineering education service. Bachelor Degree in engineering and technology has been offered since. The petroleum industry is the backbone of the economy of our nation.
University land area is 65.37 acres (26.45 thousand square meters) and located at Patheingyi township of Mandalay City. University has over 400 staffs and about 2000 undergraduate students who are learning their respective engineering and architecture program. Our Petroleum Engineering Department have 50 students who are learning in undergraduate programme receptively.
2. Motto
“Petroleum Engineering Through Quality, Efficiency & Profession”
“အရည်အသွေးစွမ်းဆောင်နိုင်မှု ရေနံအင်ဂျင်နီယာအထူးပြု”
3. Vision
Our vision is to be recognizing as an international academic department and an excellent centre of research for the field of petroleum and natural gas engineering. This recognition will be for the leadership, innovation and quality of our research, teaching and training programmmes in petroleum upstream activities.
4. Mission
The Petroleum Engineering Programme has the primary mission of providing a quality engineering education with To become a leading international center of excellence in education, training, research and professional service dedicated to serving the competence, training and technology development needs of the petroleum industry.
– To produce undergraduate and graduate levels for successful, and socially and ethically responsible careers in the worldwide petroleum industry,
– To provide a platform for life-long learning while also emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary approach, ethical conduct, health, safety and environmental issues.
5. Degree Awards
B. E (Petroleum Engineering)
M. E (Petroleum Engineering)
6. Research Area/ Field
(a) Drilling Engineering
(b) Petroleum Production
(c) Reservoir Engineering
7. Laboratories and Workshops
(a) Drilling Lab
(b) Production Lab
(c) Reservoir Lab